News: 2nd Quarter 2011
June 30, 2011
Prom KII
Last week I have been photographing the prom of Kaufmannsschule II with a friend. The ceremony took place in Freischütz Schwerte.
June 27, 2011
At the weekend, the German Youth Championships in Canoe Slalom took place on the wild water park in Hagen-Hohenlimburg. Since I wanted to photograph a few other sports for some time, I just decided to take a few photos on Sunday.
June 20, 2011
Ribberthof: 4. dressage and jumping tournament
At the weekend I took pictures of the horse show on Ribberthof. Here are a few pictures of it:
June 17, 2011
MGC Hagen: Pfingst-Vierer
Photos again for the MGC club magazine, this time from four Pfingst-Vierer:
June 9, 2011
For some time I'll do wanted to photograph a few board games. Yesterday I managed it to make photos of the game "Hotel". Here are a few pictures:
June 1, 2011
Gabriel Maximilian Peter
Now we are three! The little Gabriel was born on May 25th, 2011, is 52cm tall and weight about 3400g. Here are the first photos:
May 3, 2011
MGC Hagen: Wrexham
Photos again for the MGC club magazine, this time from the Wrexham Cup:
May 2, 2011
At the weekend we made spontaneously a few photos of Marlena, where she is more interested in the camera than for lunging's:
April 26, 2011
MGC Hagen: Oster-Vierer
Yesterday I took pictures from the easter four players tournament for the club magazine of the MGC Hagen. Here are a few photos from the tournament:
April 6, 2011
Emil Schumacher Museum
On Monday I had photographed the current exhibition "Emil Schumacher - The Book of Genesis" in Emil Schumacher Museum in Hagen. The skylight room is very interesting, especially due to the changing of exhibition to exhibition partition walls. The hall has a great atmosphere, because of the special lighting, the paintings have a very good effect on the viewer. It has to be a lot of fun photographing here, many thanks to the Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen.