News: 3rd Quarter 2011
September 27, 2011
Canon 100-400mm
A few weeks ago I got myself a new lens, the Canon 100-400mm. The first picture, I took from a distance of about 100 meters. In photo no. 2, I was amazed how close you can get to a plane. Image 3 was a snapshot and no. 4 & 5, sharpness and blurring can be seen quite good. A really great lens!
September 26, 2011
Katrin & Marlena
Yesterday I took a few photos from Katrin & Marlena. Finally, I did a few rounds on the course with Marlene, a very rare picture!
September 19, 2011
We have recently made our first little photo shooting with Gabriel. He was 3 1/2 months old at the time.
September 15, 2011
Business Portraits
I made some business portraits of a few employees for an Intranet-/Website of a company in Hagen.
September 6, 2011
MGC Hagen - club championships
On the weekend this year's club championships took place at Märkischer Golf Club in Hagen. I made some photos from the tournament for the club magazine:
August 22, 2011
In the middle of August we were at a wedding in Heidelberg, on the evening we made a small trip to the Heidelberg Castle.
August 9, 2011
ESMH - Trees
Last week I photographed the current exhibition "Trees" at the Emil Schumacher Museum in Hagen. Only a part of the Cabinet has been changed, and I've made also some exterior shots:
August 2, 2011
It is time again to show a few photos of Gabriel! Here are some from June and July: