ESMH 2012
In the middle of February in 2012, I have photographed the current exhibitions at the Emil Schumacher Museum in Hagen. The exhibition "Schumacher - Africa" shows the pictures of Schumacher in dialogue with monumental sculptures from the Niger Delta in the skylight room. In the Cabinet there was the exhibition "Minnesota Suite", with gouaches by Emil Schumacher that arose in the late 1960s in the United States. Also in the first upstairs was a small exhibition "Woyzeck and Mephisto" with theater illustrations by Emil Schumacher from the late 1940s.
It is always a nice experience to photograph the exhibits in the Emil Schumacher Museum. The skylight room is particularly interesting by changing partition walls from exhibition to exhibition. The room has a great atmosphere by the lighting, so the paintings have a very good effect on the viewer. The exhibition of the sculptures and the paintings of Schumacher was really worth seeing and fascinating. Also, the gouaches and theater illustrations were worth watching and give an insight into the development of Emil Schumacher works.